Standard Shipping

  • Products ship as soon as they are available, which could mean multiple shipments

Ship Complete per Customer Account 

  • Every Purchase Order will be marked as ship complete
  • Products arrive in one shipment with ship date based on the product with the longest lead time

Ship Complete per Purchase Order

  • Products arrive in one shipment with ship date based on the product with the longest lead time

Don’t Ship Before

  • Products ship no earlier than the date provided on the Purchase Order

Pool Shipments

  • Products ship on a recurring day of the week selected by customer

Choose the service to ship your products

ASSA ABLOY Standard Shipping is UPS Ground

Need it sooner? You can specify:

  • UPS 3rd Day, UPS 2nd Day, UPS Next Day Air – Billed by ASSA ABLOY or UPS
  • FedEx Ground, FedEx 3rd Day, FedEx 2nd Day – Billed directly from FedEx

Would You Prefer a Freight Forwarder?

  • ASSA ABLOY standard freight is UPS Freight
  • You can specify your choice of freight carrier
  • Billed by ASSA ABLOY or freight forwarder